DIY Tutu dress for Little Qin Qin 1st birthday

Throwback last September 1st birthday celebration for my little princess in Melaka. I have been thinking to get her tutu dress for her 1st birthday and do around the Facebook fanpage for quotation. To my surprise, the price of a tutu dress starts from hundred!!! Therefore, I started to hunt the Youtube and Pinterest for DIY a tutu dress... Actually, to make a simple tutu dress/skirt is so simple. All you need is the material. I've completed my little princess's tutu dress just in 1 day!!!

This is the tulle roll and there are a variety of colours to choose. Some come with other designs such as extra glitters, stars, love, and so on. It comes in different sizes too. 

Next, you need this crochet or waistband (if you are making tutu skirt). The crochets has different sizes too. You can make this crochets to a cute hairband for matching or as the tutu base.

This is the picture where I just tied up the tulle on the crochet. It is simply easy and fast. I make 2 layer tutu dress with combination of pink and purple/blue/green colours.

I added on some flowers on the crochet and did a matching flower hairband too.

Here is the outcome. I washed the tutu dress with softener and apply some lotion on the tutu ending so that it will not have the sharp poking feeling (I get this tip from DIY tutu group from Facebook)

Where do I buy these materials from?


  1. OMG SO CUTE!!!! Never know can use a hair band on this. How bout big baby like me. haha

    1. actually i made one for myself.. half skirt... same technique also.. but my hubby splash me cold water lah.. said i will look weird with tutu skirt. so i din pair up with my daughter.. huhu

  2. It's beautiful! You're so creative omg. I'll definitely make this next time when I have a girl!

  3. Wooo very creative, good job

  4. OMG thanks for ur sharing! I wish I can make my tutu skirt for my future daughter also, so sweet and lovely!

  5. so cute, I like it! you are good, its pretty. :D

  6. I love the tutu dress. Will do 1 for my daughter and I'm sure she will love it too.

  7. Not only looks cute on little girls but I suppose we ladies would love to put on as well!

  8. Wow! Loving how you DIY that dress, this is so creative and she looks pretty on it!

  9. woe, you are so creative. if i have a baby girl, would love to make one for her

  10. Waa so cute! The tutu skirt's colour combination is so pretty too!

  11. oh gosh, you are so creative.. I would never have thought about making a tutu skirt with a hair band.. hahahah

  12. Such a beautiful skirt which shows off your creativity. I wouldn't know how to make a nice one even with tutorial!

  13. So cute and nice!! Very good idea to have a tutu skirt with a hair band! XD

  14. you are so creative!!!The tutu dress very nice!!

  15. Omg! So cute and I want one too! You're so geng, can DIY tutu dress.

  16. Oh wowwwwww The DIY tutu dress is super cute! I know tutu dress is not cheap but making it DIY it was much more memorable and cheaper!

  17. super cute! :).. now if only i can fit a tutu on my sons. :P

  18. just wanna say too panlai la! what a nice mummy !!

  19. super cuteee... I love babies with tutus!!

  20. Your little girl is cute when wearing Tutu dress. I want to make one for my god daughter.

  21. I also did one tutu for my princess.. Hehe~ I like ur tutu!


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