The Amez Care Bio Herbal Sanitary Functional Pad

The monthly menstrual cycle is a nightmare when you choose the wrong brand and length of the sanitary pad. Sanitary napkin or pads is one of the option to choose besides tampon, washable pads and menstrual cups. There are many products to choose in the market from frangrance to non-fragrance, wings and without wings, thickness from maxi to slim and length for day and night too. Today, I would like to give my review regarding this newly marketable disposable sanitary pad by Amez Care Bio Herbal . Amez sanitary pads are designs with non-toxic materials such as Chloromethane, Styrene and Chloroform. Amez Care Bio Herbal sanitary pads are not only brings comfort to ladies but also pay attention to our health concern. The sanitary pad contains of Tea Plants extract that can alleviate the symptoms of many pain-related illness and inhibits the development of blood clot too. What are the Tea Plant extracts that can be found in Amez Care Bio Herbal Sanit...